Calling All Mac Daddies
To me it seems like the iMacs are getting so close to becoming laptops that you may as well hold out for the iBook and powerbook G5s to come out. Of course the bump in processor power is noice.
Damn, dirty apes!

Sexual frustration has driven a mild-mannered chimpanzee to take up smoking and spitting, according to China's Xinhua news agency.Reminds me the trained monkey on the "Krusty the Clown Show" and former
Minister of Tourism of Brazil, Mr. Teeny.
All Hail the Didd-pod

Did anyone bother with the VMAs last night? I saw the pre-show, which basically consisted of celebrities showing up in bigger and bigger yachts. I would've liked to see the Outkast Prototype -> Ghetto Musik -> Hey Ya -> The Way You Move medley, but I wasn't about to suffer through the entire ceremony for that.
Bloomingtonfest is O'er

Another killer band, and possibly the highlight of the Festival, was Chin Chin. The lead-singer was ALL ABOUT the vocoder, and the afrobeat rhythms and heavy horn funk actually got a hipster or two out on the floor. Definetly check them out if they roll through your town.
Here's a few mp3s from bands I enjoyed. More over at the Bloomingtonfest page.
Chin Chin - Salon
Magnolia Electric Co - Farewell Transmission
Fruit Bats - A Bit of Wind
Minus Story - Joyless, Joyless
Ok, so I'll give you guys a 'w' chuckle
The obligatory former Gov. McGreevey post
[McGreevey] has offered his own feeble public defense in the New York Times (requires registration) of his remarkably transparent attempt to gain sympathy for his alleged victimization in order to avoid condemnation for old-fashioned corruption. His announcement led many to ask, “So why should he resign just because he’s gay? The guy’s being persecuted.” There’s no good reason to resign over sexuality. But there’s plenty of reason to resign to avoid charges of blatant corruption (such as appointing your unqualified boyfriend to be state director of homeland security).
...James E. McGreevey is neither a victim nor brave. James E. McGreevey is a despicable lout.
Link via The Agitator who gives his own two cents on the topic.
There's an Extremely Hairy Man Down There
Download one of my favorite tracks of the year so far, The Secret Machines' "Nowhere Again" over on the sidebar.

Other noteable trappings:
- Scientists vote on top 10 Sci-fi flicks of all time.
- The elusive Yeti has finally been captured.
- Tedro I know you're headed to Canada soon. These techniques might help you maintain.
Kilborn had his "Five Questions"
"...he's become yet another witty but amiable late-night host à la David Letterman or Conan O'Brien. Which is fine as far as it goes, but the boy is not, as my teachers used to say, reaching his full potential."I think Jesse may be on to something. However, he may be missing Stewart's tendency, the more amiable he becomes, to also unleash the fury more often. Maybe that's the trade-off.
Help Ole Macky Get What's His!
I know what you're thinking - not another pyramind scheme. This one works, I've seen several confirmations of this around the internet (comments of Stereogum, August 24th). Just sign up for one of the offers, you will have to pay very little if anything depending on what you pick. I signed up for the weightloss pills. Here's all you gotta do (I read the fine print)...
1. Sign up for Miracleburn 7 day trial. $6 shipping and handling (I'll pay you back two-fold in alchoholic bevs if you so desire)
2. Cancel that shit in one week (you have 2 weeks to do so). Call (800)515-1070 to cancel (I just called, it's legit. You won't be charged anymore than the $6 if you call and cancel within 2 weeks).
3. get friends to do the same
4. get free iPod
iPods for $6. HELP A NILLA OUT!
Trey Anastasio, Terrorist
"In the Phish song Golgi Apparatus the band encourages violent chemical and biological attacks against American targets. The song begins with the announcement that "I look into my finance box just to check my status." This depicts the precautions taken by every terrorist cell - finding adequate funding."Thanks to Bugher (aka Fag Keyboard Player) for the lead.
Fest Expects to Draw upwards of 3 IU Students

Movie info to be had.
Okokok, Quentin Tarantino brings his unique self-obsession to the internet. The man has gone blog. Check out some nice info on his upcoming WWII flick Inglorious Bastards.
Kevin Smith is getting cold feet about directing The Green Hornet, set to star Affleck. Good... IMO, comic adaptations almost ALWAYS suck, though I think Smith could do it up right. Spidey, Superman, Batman, Green Hornet, etc, etc - Hollywood is going to feel the pain of super-hero overexposure if you ask me.
Return of the Prox-Factor & Other Such Goodness
Hella buzz alert: Golden Girls Season One drops on November 24th, confirming once again that eventually everything will be released on DVD.
Could ABC's Monday Night Football become a thing of the past? The network is losing about $150 million a year on MNF. The Solution? Bring back Missy Stark. Ratings gold says I!
A Fark headline so good, I had to screenshot it:

Today's cool flash game.

Schubas is a hot BIRD

So, I went to an awesome show last Thursday night! First a sweet Chicago jazz band called the Vandermark 5 ripped the roof off, with some awesome solos and a unique style that definitely caught my attention for a avant garde sound. I only wish they were 6 as I love me some trumpet.
After a couple beers, Charles Bissel of the Wrens came on and rocked the house...sort of. He was so nervous, got the loop a little messed up...luckily he could joke about it, bringing some laughs out. He played a lot of songs from Meadowlands, and some I haven't heard of before. He was still solid, as I got to hear some of the tunes live, but he actually sounded very "punky" to me and it was missing that extra something without the rest of the band accompaniment. I was surprised at how many people who were there had absolutely no clue who he was. But after a drink out in the back, he came by and I talked to him for a while. He is a real humble/unconfident/very relaxed guy. He was real cool to talk to as he was real laid back and unaware of his popularity, at least by my standards. A side note - he actually said he was really doing this solo tour along with the weekend tour(The Wrens) so he could play more. He agreed the band sounds great together, but "some of the guys have kids..." and so on...and he wanted to get out there.
But seriously, David Bird (guy pictured on top), the final act, "Badass". He was playing a violin and using a loop. But he was really playing it, he would be playing his violin for a bit as if it were a electric blues guitar and then save it and switch directly into a magnificent sound as if he were 1st chair in the philharmonic. I mean off the charts beautiful. Then he would bust out the guitar and bring in a great voice with some truly scouring lyrics. But that wasn't it (yes I am your late night commercial), as some of the songs progressed he would switch into a whistle that matched a flute as best as anything else could while playing the chimes (high pitched xylophone). No matter how you shook it, it really grabbed me in and made me wonder where this guy came from. I was really blown away and stuck in my place. I felt completely dead and unable to move, but somehow I didn't want to miss any of the fantasy that he was portraying. As a final note, it was the first night I had a "Real" Session in a while...helping the music to truly pulse through the capillaries of my brain.
In any case, his website is http://www.bowloffire.com/ and I am definitely buying a cd "Weather Systems". Seriously spectacular.
You can also download two songs here, so check em out. Hix, if you dig on one in particular, I advise you to add to the list.
Back From the Muck

Fantasy Football Draft and Last Call for Sign Up
For all those in Fa-nasty Football, don't forget that the draft is THIS SUNDAY at 12:30 central. Anyone who wishes to hop in on the league at the last minute best sign up now. That info again:
League ID: 231629
Password: password
go here to sign up and select Free League --> Join custom (private) league.
If we should happen to end up with uneven nubmers I will be forced to boot someone off. I'll do my best to leave all the bloggers on.
Thanks neighboreeno
Do the "Right" Thing
It's well done with it's understated rationalism. I highly support it. If my checking account were not overdrawn at the moment, I would definitely flip them some bread.
I especially like that they highlight the quote by Milton Friedman, which I think pretty much sums up the intellectual case against the War on Drugs.
Nota bene: I will have the chance to meet John Stossel next month (for the second time), who has been against the current federal drug policy for some time. I'll let you know if he gives me any trademark tasty, pithy quip to use.
That mustache sells paper towels!
Remember that treasure trove of lost Beatles memorabilia that turned up when a man bought a suitcase in a flea market in Australia last month? Turns out the bluh'y wankah was just fu'ing wit you. I've only had HBO for one week, but still... BOOYAKASHA!
"Many of the items in the suitcase appeared to be copies, including laser-scanned photos dating from the mid-1990s and ticket stubs for the Beatles' appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show" and the premiere of "A Hard Day's Night" that were reproductions of images from "Lennon Legend," a book published last year."HoTT Linx
ESPN takes a look at the 25 biggest chokes of the last 25 years. Pee-wee Herman rightfully omitted. (Ok, I promise to leave this kind of joke at bay in the future)
Via the fellow IU Blogsier Thighmaster, some truly classy baby shirts for the next time you're invited to a shower on the west side of Blington (my new Bloomington moniker - live it, love it, make it yours).
Lastly, next time you double down, double down with Jebus.
White Man Soul Revue!
Michael McDonald, of course, kicked serious ass.

Daryll Hall had some huge air conditioner on stage. It took up half the stage. I thought it was a fog machine until nothing came out of it. He also wouldn't stop complaining about not being able to hear himself in the monitors. Seems to be a bit of a prima donna if you ask me.
The Daryll Hall show with John Oates (aka pubehead) did, however, entertain me. Daryll Hall seems to be most of the show. Oates kind of just sits there and looks like a Hobbit with the white man's overbite.

I managed to sneak my camera in and took these pictures. I was pretty sneaky about it until I had to use the flash. Some security guard came over to tell me that cameras weren't allowed. I guess he didn't see all of the morons in the front with their camera phones. I promise that I will never send anyone a picture of Hall & Oates from my camera phone (if I had one).
The highlight of the concert for me was when AWB, Michael McDonald and Starsky & Hutch sang "What a Fool Believes." I'll also admit that Starsky & Hutch have some pretty catchy tunes. I particularly enjoyed that "I Won't Go For That (No Can Do)" song. "Maneater" and "Private Eyes" are catchy as well.
BTW, A-ron, I'm going to Florence over my fall break.

In either case, if anyone finds out about when the tickets will become available...let me know, because I can not miss it. Dave, here's one I know you'll make it up for. Everyone else...bring it.
In case you don't follow the link, the other date is at Logan Square Auditorium, which is a cool place too and it appears the week before, on the 24th of Sept. RJD2 will be playing. Plenty of good stuff to come to the good ol town of Chi-town.
Funnel or Tunnel
Female or Shemale
Jailbait or Legal
Gay or Straight
The Sleepy Jackson
"I hope they bury me headfirst face down..."

To speak at my funeral in order by preference:
1. Don LaFontaine: You all know him as the voice-over for just about every movie trailer you have ever seen. He's done wonders for Segal movies. His potential at my funeral is limitless.
2. George Takai: Most may know him as Sulu from the original Star Trek episodes and movies. Don't ask me why, but I just trust the guy.

The wake:
While I insist on being buried in my Costco casket, the casket is to be left out of the viewing. In fact, I prefer to be in a standing position, with my ass extended outward towards the on-lookers. In coordination, I would also request that during my preparation, my asshole is left unsewed. It has been said that the human body has been known to release gases even post-mortem. To fart on one of you bastards even after death would be a grand conclusion to any man's legacy.
1. Detachable Penis by - Sir Missile: At that point, I imagine it would be.
2. Groove is in the Heart - Dee-Lite: If this song doesn't make things uncomfortable, I don't know what will.
3. The theme from Magnum P.I.
4. Get the Fuck Out of My House - 2 Live Crew
5. Fire and Ice - Yngwie Malmsteen: To be played while I'm lowered in the ground.
Buried with me in my casket:
1. Kawasaki One-Man-Band: Hey, you never know. What if...what if I am still alive. I'd like to know I've got something to pass the time. K-K-K-KAWASAKI ONE-MAN-BAAAAND!
2. 6-pack of Red Dog: No, I don't drink Red Dog. But in a final attempt at a major accomplishment in the name of science, I would ask to be buried with it. In 1,000 years, when archaeologists exume my body in the name of historical research, I believe that the Red Dog will taste no different than it did on the day I was buried with it.
A Glance at Upcoming Happs
FRI 8.27 Dan the Automator - Chi
SAT 8.28 Jason Molina - Btown
SAT 8.28 Ravonettes - Indy
FRI 9.3 Marah - Indy
TUE 9.7 Impossible Shapes - Btown
THU 9.9 Leo Kottke - Btown
SAT 9.11 Cake - Chi
SUN 9.12 Calexico - Chi
MON 9.13 Les Savy Fav - Louvl
WED 9.15 Fiery Furnaces - Btown
9.15-9.18 LOTUS FEST - Btown
SUN 9.19 Keane / French Kicks - Chi
THU 9.16 M83 - Chi
THU 9.23 RJD2 - Indy
THU 9.30 Impossible Shapes - Btown
THU 9.30 Franz Ferdinand - Chi
FRI 10.1 Cee-Lo - Louvl
THU 10.7 TV on the Radio - Chi
SUN 10.10 Ministry - Chi
WED 10.20 R.E.M. - Indy
MON 10.25 Guided By Voices - Btown
Nothing Ever Happens on Tuesday, part 3

New York Senate candidate is seeking to boycott Springsteen. "He thinks making millions with a song-and-dance routine allows him to tell you how to vote," says Marilyn O'Grady. SONG AND DANCE ROUTINE! Hahahaha.
Amazon has their top releases of the year... so far list up. The way things are going so far this year, I'm going to have a hard time filling out a top 10. Right now I've got maybe 4 discs that deserve top 10 recognition and none of them should be top 5 in my opinion.
M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts
Madvillian - Madvilliany
Alpha - Stargazing
Franz Ferdinand - self-titled
Tedro - how 'bouts a little post-Coventry-post?
My Favorite Olympic Sport
Double Down.... boitch!
A-RON: "Liquor's Good" Nolte
J-RED: Bitches won $160...we goin Sizzla.
For the ladies of the fallen blog, Proximity

Here is a site that you might enjoy.
She's Racist, Like You
I agree that anytime someone admits to being even the slightest degree racist they're immediately tossed aside as a ignorant fool. I think we're all racist to an extent, and the only way we can approach the end of the race war is to admit this and discuss it in an open forum. Check out the article.
Title-eedee, Title-eedoo
Owens was asked if he thinks Garcia is gay. Owens responded: ``Like my boy tells me: 'If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat.'''
Terrell Owens is like combining Keyshawn Johnson and Michael Irvin and purposefully leaving out the small shred of intellegence. For Garcia's sake I hope the Browns put the Eagles to bed in week 7.

Hollywood: "Oh yes we di'id." - Not to be outdone by the Police Academy series - Defamer has the scoop on American Pie 4, based on Stifler's little brother who attends band camp. In about 2 months we'll be seeing this one in the new release section at Movie Gallery, where it will sit for the next two years claiming victim after victim.
Sharp is prepping to drop a 3D monitor, making it even more possible that the ridiculous scene from Minority Report could one day be reality.
What's in a name?

If you're a loser in the dating game, your name might be part of the problem. New research has revealed that the vowel sounds in your name could influence how others judge the attractiveness of your face.
Amy Perfors, a cognitive scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who carried out the study, believes the effect is subconscious. Observers unwittingly deem others better looking if they have the right moniker, she says.
Full story here. The home page of the researcher (note: not pictured here).
Hat tip to Marginal Revolution.
You Goth Served
Great video that definitely goes against the typical industrial video asthetics...with some pretty damn smooth moves for those who get their kicks from solid breakdancing. All in all, a must see...but likely only for those with high-speed connections (considering its 29MB size):
Pro-Test vid from the fine multimedia gurus at Process.org
New Republican Fight Song!!!

Have you seen this show?

I just watched two old ladies in hover-rounds play chicken. Then I saw a one-armed goalie defend against a one-legged soccer player.
I'm going to hell. I laughed.
Up again!
Thanks to all who IM'd me wanting to know WTF.
UPDATE: All systems go, with no loss of comments. I don't know what happened, but it looks like they decided to add trackbacks to the service, which may have thrown everything off. Either way - GAME ON!
Property rights and the art of surfing...
I began to study economics because of its seemingly bizarre applications in everyday life (read: unintuitive). Most people complain that the assumptions used in economics just don't apply to the "real world." But that's just not true, and modern economics perhaps more aptly describes and predicts human behavior than any other social science. This same thing applies to the law, methinks. Yes, I am, after some reluctance, declaring myself a nerd.
In any case, here's an awesome post about what surfing can teach us about property rights, or perhaps the other way around. It's written by Tom W. Bell, a law professor whom I had the pleasure of meeting last Summer. This post is the perfect example of why I try to read so much damn non-fiction (essays, journal articles, Wall Street Journal, etc.) and enjoy doing it.

Cool shit alert!


Check out this find on snopes.com.
Also, in honor of Lion-o, check out this.
How fucked up is that?

Check out the trailer and teasers to this new movie from those truly risky bastards at Lion's Gate. This movie looks about as twisted as they come. I can't wait. And, if you can, watch all of the clips, cuz they're different...and the one with the girl that has the contraption on her jaw...wow...disturbing.
Saw Trailers

I guess no more Dave Chappelle jokes, although there is word of Chappelle playing James in a biopic film.
Modest Mouse and the Q101 Block Party!!!

Come one, come all to Chicago next weekend, August 13th and 14th to see me!!! And if you don't like that idea, come up to see Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, and the Walkmen on August 14th in downtown Chicago. Click here to check it out and for tix. They are sold through tickets.com, but I had a problem ordering and used the 800 number instead. If that isn't enough for you, Ole Macky, the man, the Creator, the God of this site will also be there in the FLESH...ouwaahahaha. As a wise man once said, "Not even the Creator knew what the MAN would say next." I say, "hdsafhskdhfiopaseow."
Also, it appears that a couple other choice people...namely being the I-Dido (as he shall now be called for his GAYness) will also be coming the 13th and I will go see Polyphonic as well. Of course he is likely to have to leave early so he can get a good rest before Church on Sunday. All you biotches, Dave (you be close, no pussin out), Grant, Steve, Tedrow, J-red and whoever else I leave out, especially women are all welcome.
"And the gods made [Jimi]."

Some predictable, yet nonetheless admirable, entries. Interesting notes include TWO Little Feat albums (#2 and #20). I was also very excited to see Joyful Noise by The Derek Trucks Band at #9. The title of this post refers to Gammons' obligatory inclusion of Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland.
Also, Eric Neel over at ESPN.com's Page 2, overviews the best pitching windups of all time. I might have to go with Goose Gossage historically, and El Duque among actives. Extra points to Neel for use of the word "trebuchet" in reference to Sandy Koufax.

Dropping Links (and Ducers)
Now Ricky Williams wants to come back and play for the Raiders? "I love Cali," he says. Cali? Only skeevy stoners say Cali.
Remember this skit? Perhaps the greatest SNL skit of all time, IMO. Star Wars auditions.
Smallpeepee - email me (mike_a_hicks at hotmail.com), I promise not to reveal your identity, be it shrouded in foreskin or not.
I'm ill...or maybe I've finally gone nuts

What I'm speaking of here is The Polyphonic Spree. And, well, outside of my brother-in-arms (the Tubby one), we know you're all pretty much homosexuals when it comes to music these days, so I'm guessing you're all familiar with these shitmongers, so introductions shouldn't be necessary.
Anywho, yeah I bought their first album and wasn't about to tell you fucknutz. And, yeah, it was decent. Despite the feel-good vibe, it garned the same respect from me which I give some of the Beatles and Beach Boys' material...some of which is really good (yeah, I have a soft spot). The commercial exploitation of Light & Day, however, destroyed any further examination of the Spree.
So, new disc comes out. And, yes, it's true...since I posted my hatred of Pitchfork, I've been back every day since (whereas before I went once every two months)...because they do throw in a good review once in a while (lately, Pan Sonic, Throbbing Gristle, Neurosis, Gravenhurst, Wagon Christ, Boom Bip). But, sure, Pitchfork clued me in. I disregarded still...
Then, my nigga, el Trento Rezzo does a Q&A for the latest issue of Alternative Press. They ask what he's been listening to, and it's all Pitchfork fag shit (Cat Power, TV On the Radio, Wilco) and he mentions the new Polyphonic...so, my interest was piqued again.
Therefore, about 8 hours ago I picked the bitch up. I've heard it at least 7 times through now. Good. Real good. Much better than the first. Buy it faggy boys!
And the Hixor and I will likely be at the show in Chicago on the 13th, so...see you there?
Ole Macky's Onion Debut
Mike Hicks, who arrived in Las Vegas on a $20 bus ride from Los Angeles, began demonstrating his non-support the moment he set foot in the lobby of the Rio.
"Point me toward the loosest slots in town," Hicks said, waving a sign that read "Rum & Coke over here, NOW." "Can't drop no brats off at my place if I ain't there to open the door!"
Although he was not appointed to speak for the non-centralized delegation of terrible fathers, Hicks succinctly conveyed the group's sentiment. Angry shouts of "Screw the baby—I needs a new pair of shoes" echoed up and down the strip, from the Luxor to the Stratosphere, all weekend long.
Hey bartender! Keep'em comin'! (thx for the link Alison!)
Wednesday is fur thinkin'n'shit

Don't feel bad for sitting on your ass right now. Explore the hidden wonders of NYC and check out these photos of a forgotten subway tunnel buried 10 stories underneath Manhattan. [Photos 1, Photos 2] Apparantly there used to be a lot of crazy parties that happened down there back in the early 90s. Oh to live in New York. (Via Gothamist)
Also, check out this online exhibit from the Museum of Modern art, focusing on some of the most remarkable skyscraper designs in recent years. (Via Morning News)
Blog Overexposure Alert!
I don't know if you've been following the hoopla surrounding Vincent Gallo's X-rated flick The Brown Bunny, but hear's a look at the billboard on the Sunset Strip featuring a still from the infamous blowjob scene. I love how Gallo takes the liberty of calling his film "The most controversial American film ever made" in the Trailer. Funny how he had to slip in that "American" to beat out Clockwork Orange.

What do you think is the most controversial film in 'mercan history? Apocalypse Now? Midnight Cowboy (X-rated Best Picture winner mind you)?
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Go Ahead Phags...Go Ahead and Kiss It

Here 'tis, phags, my ticket to Coventry. Go ahead, pucker up, put your lips on the screen and give it a little kiss. You know you want to. Maybe..just maybe...if you're lucky, I'll let you touch it. Give it a little stroke. No Wonka bars were needed for this golden ticket, though, just a credit card and a little forethought. And that is why I feel no pity for ya'll bitches who want to go but can't. I reminded all of you to get one, but no. You're too poor, too busy, too phucking lame is more like it. And don't tell me you don't like Phish. I've seen Phish with just about all of you, including ole Saxdroppings. Even Ian has admitted to liking the band (don't start hating on Wilson, I-Diddy). The Phish special last night on PBS just reminded me how awesome this show is going to be. Don't worry, phags, I'll be happy to tell you all about it when I get back. I'll even burn you a copy of the the bootleg and eventual DVD. This show will be badass. I'll be there. Too bad you won't. Phor shame.
Nothing Ever Happens on Tuesday, Part Duex

How about Team USA basketball getting blown out by Italy? Way to go you fucksticks, so much for undeafeated record in Olympic play and qualifications. Bring in the Globetrotters! Better yet, bring in the damn Washington Generals, they're due for a win.
No more Beta Band. The group that should have been a one hit wonder (with that song from High Fidelity) and never was, has annouced plans to discontinue their mediocrity.
From the May 13, 1955 edition of Housekeeping Magazine, a Guide to Being a Good Wife. Not willing to play along? You'll find this a useful resource.
Phish on PBS Tonight
It's Only Monday Afternoon but I like It
Yo Ian, remember when you used to carry that full-size stapler in your pocket on campus? You shoulda had this model.

NEW JAMS: Download Damien Jurado's "Texas To Ohio"
Also, lets all remember not to give our (future) kids too much shit for what they wear. It could be a lot worse.
Anyone going to the Curiosa festival tommorow in Cincy?